Igranje na igriščih je na lastno odgovornost!
Članarina za sezono 2025 znaša 100 EUR in je namenjena delovanju društva.
Članarina za sezono 2025 znaša 100 EUR in je namenjena delovanju društva.
Price ranges |
Obiskovalci |
Otroci |
Price 1
1 credit | 1 credit |
Price 2
/ | 1 credit |
Price 3
/ | 1 credit |
Price 4
1 credit | 1 credit |
Price 5
1 credit | 1 credit |
Booking rules at the sport club
How many hours prior to the term the bookings can be deleted: 5hMax number of booked terms in future: 2
Max bookings per day: 2
If days ahead is 0 this means current day. 7 means today plus 7 days.
- How many days ahead you can book: 7
- Num. of package credits: 20
- Num. of allowed bookings per day: 2
- Max booked terms in future: 1
- Description: Gost
- How many days ahead you can book: 200
- Num. of package credits: 500
- Num. of allowed bookings per day: 5
- Max booked terms in future: 500
For more information please contact the sport club directly 041415077